Latest Episodes

Episode #149--VACATIONS!!!!
he most wonderful time of the year!!! I know that is typically reserved for Christmas, but I always find ringing in my brain during...

Episode #148--How Do I Know When I Have Reversed My Insulin Resistance?
Insulin resistance. This is what we are fixing when we “reverse your type 2 diabetes.” People will frequently ask me how they will know...

Episode #147--They Can Eat That, Why Can't I?
Do you find yourself watching other people eat pizza or snack throughout the day on candy and tell yourself, "They can eat that, why...

Episode #146--The Thing You Haven't Been Told About Your Diabetes
Everyone thinks they need to fix their blood sugars to fix their diabetes. But this is not the case. There is something else entirely...

Episode #145--Emotional Eating
People understand emotional eating. In coaching we call it "buffering." When we do not believe that we can feel our emotion and we need...

#144--The Skill You Are Missing
You want to know the thing to do INSTEAD of eating the food? This podcast will clear it up! Check it out!