Episode #163--Answering Email!

September 12, 2022 00:27:24
Episode #163--Answering Email!
Better Blood Sugars with DelaneMD | Diabetes, Prediabetes, Gestational Diabetes, Metabolic Diseases, Insulin Resistance, without Medications
Episode #163--Answering Email!

Sep 12 2022 | 00:27:24


Show Notes

EMAIL ME!! I am not kidding: [email protected]. I want to know what questions you have. This makes for great podcast material! I WILL email you back, and then I will cover it in the podcast to make sure you have a quality answer to your questions. I received a question from Kimberly a few weeks ago, this episode is an answer to the questions. How can I be thin, active, and fit, but still diabetic? What do I need to do to fix this? Should I be worried? All of this and more is answered during this episode! Check it out! And then EMAIL ME! Let me know what you think!

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