EP194: Part 2 of My Journey

April 17, 2023 00:36:21
EP194: Part 2 of My Journey
Better Blood Sugars with DelaneMD | Diabetes, Prediabetes, Gestational Diabetes, Metabolic Diseases, Insulin Resistance, without Medications
EP194: Part 2 of My Journey

Apr 17 2023 | 00:36:21


Show Notes

Two weeks ago, I started 3-part series describing my personal journey to living a naturally healthy life. This is the second part of that series. In this episode, I describe the path I took to learning how to stop eating foods that move me away from my goals. I talk about investing in myself, by paying for coaching to help me reach my goals. I also talk about "speed bumps" I encountered along the way and why it was so important to have those moments. Check it out! Let me know what you think!

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