Episode #149--VACATIONS!!!!

June 05, 2022 00:21:17
Episode #149--VACATIONS!!!!
Better Blood Sugars with DelaneMD | Diabetes, Prediabetes, Gestational Diabetes, Metabolic Diseases, Insulin Resistance, without Medications
Episode #149--VACATIONS!!!!

Jun 05 2022 | 00:21:17


Show Notes

he most wonderful time of the year!!! I know that is typically reserved for Christmas, but I always find ringing in my brain during the summer! It's warm! It's lakes! It's family! It's the mountains! It's the beach! It's campfires! For me, it's the most wonderful time of the year! But when our relationship with food is one that has created the disease of type 2 diabetes in our bodies, there is a nagging voice in the back of our minds telling us it's going to be hard. We are going to do it wrong. We are going to backslide. We are not going to enjoy the vacation. It's doesn't have to be this way! This episode is for VACATIONS! How to create the vacation you want! Enjoy!

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