288 Why Belief & Grace Fix Your Diabetes Quicker than Macros & Meal Plans

February 02, 2025 00:35:44
288 Why Belief & Grace Fix Your Diabetes Quicker than Macros & Meal Plans
Better Blood Sugars with DelaneMD | Diabetes, Prediabetes, Gestational Diabetes, Metabolic Diseases, Insulin Resistance, without Medications
288 Why Belief & Grace Fix Your Diabetes Quicker than Macros & Meal Plans

Feb 02 2025 | 00:35:44


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[00:00:00] You are listening to episode number 288 of Better Blood Sugars with Delane MD. Welcome to Better Blood Sugars with Delaine MD where you can learn strategies to lower your blood sugars and improve your overall health. I'm your host, Dr. Delaine Vaughn. Ladies, if you know you're capable of doing badass things at work and for your family, but you're confused and frustrated with why you can't seem to stop eating the chocolate cake, this pot podcast is for you. Let's talk. [00:00:28] Hey there and welcome to the podcast. I am so glad you're here. I'm so glad you're taking some time for you and your health. And I feel privileged today that you're deciding to spend that time with me. Today we are going to discuss what it takes to fix your type 2 diabetes, to fix your blood sugars, to fix your insulin resistance. Recognize insulin resistance and diabetes are interchangeable. And I know that I don't always do a good job about distinguishing between the two of them, but I always mean the same thing. [00:00:59] In my time with working with women who want to fix their health, fix their blood sugars, fix their diabetes, women frequently will come to me believing that they will need to know how many macros they have to eat or what kind of foods they have to eat. They will expect me to give them an eating list, a prepackaged food service, whatever it is. They want to know if it's the Mediterranean diet, is it low fat, is it vegetarian? They want to know the actions that they need to take to fix their blood sugars and their diabetes. But the two things that I see getting in the way of women fixing their diabetes permanently, entirely with peace and self reliance is their personal belief about them and their health and then their ability to show themselves grace. These are the two primary things that women need to develop and work on this belief in this grace in order for them to fix their diabetes and become the healthy woman that they want to be. [00:02:03] So it's not a set macro count. It's not eating astronaut food. It's not information. It's belief that things can be different and grace with themselves as they learn. And if you are not sure what that means, you're not the only one. And that's what I want to talk about today. Before we get started, I want to give you my reminder of being very careful if you are medicated for your type 2 diabetes, if you are currently on medications for type 2 diabetes, I need you to be very careful as you change your diet, recognizing that you have been medicated for the way you have eaten and lived in the past and if you change those things, you're going to need to change those medications as well or you may end up quite sick. The kind of sick that looks like hospitality, hospitalization, ER visits, possibly even death. It can make you very, very ill if you're changing the foods and you continue to be medicated for the way you used to eat. So what I encourage you to do is to contact the provider who wrote the prescriptions for those medications. Ask them how they want you to share with them your blood sugar logs and then how you can expect to hear changes to your medication regimen from them. So some doctors want to have a phone conversation, some providers want to have emails, some providers want to do it through their portal, some providers want you to call their nursing staff and then they're going to relay messages that same way to you. I'm not sure how your provider wants to do it, so you need to get on the phone and ask them what they want you to do so you can stay safe. [00:03:35] Get a good line of communication open with your provider so that you can be safe as you make these changes. If you are not sure what changes need to be made, please go to my [email protected] go to forward/ Better B E T T E R. There you can find my 14 days to better blood sugars guide. This is a 14 day menu set up to tell you exactly what to eat, what you know. It will tell you your macro count. It will tell you all the things that you need to be doing. If you need to make substitutions, there's guidance in there about that. It will get you fiber in your diet, will get you all the things that you need to start seeing better blood sugars. It's very, very powerful. So again, if you're on meds, take that very seriously and get that line of communication open with your provider. But again, you can find that 14 day guide at www.delanemd.com Better B E T T E R. [00:04:36] Try it out and see how it goes. If for some reason you don't see better blood sugars and I've never had that happen, but hey, the more I know, the more I know I don't know everything. If you have that happen, you're not seeing better blood sugars after following that guide, please set up a better blood sugar assessment call. If you are seeing better blood sugars but you're having a hard time, you know, applying this food, eating this guide to the Rest of your life. Set up a better blood sugars assessment call. These are 45 minute Zoom calls where you and I hop on a call, I go through your information and then we look at where maybe you can start to make changes to start seeing better blood sugars. You can schedule that [email protected] delanemdcall I'm going to spell that out. So it's Calendly C-A L E N D L Y.com-E L A N E M D forge sauce, call C. [00:05:34] Those are the ways that I can help you get some information. There's no charge to any of that. So just set those that in, set those calls up, get that guide for yourself, get the help that's available to you right now. It is entirely possible for you to le live diabetes free. And that is what my mission in life is out there for. So if you are ready to do that, there's help, get started on it. Call and get the help in an assessment Call if you need that. So let's talk about grace and belief. We're going to start with belief. This is the thing that most women need to work on for their health journey. [00:06:13] They don't believe in their ability to become healthy for some reason, and there's a lot of reasons. Maybe they believe that they will have to give up too much to be healthy. I'll never be able to eat the food that I love. Maybe they believe it's in their genes. [00:06:31] Maybe they believe like other women can do it. I see other women doing it, but I have different circumstances, my genes, my job, my family, my schedule, my debility, whatever it is. And these are the reasons that I can't get healthy or frequently. They'll see their previous failures as a predictor of future results and they believe that that's the reason they can't do this. The worst belief issue that I see out there is that they hear, that women hear, and you may have heard this too, that it's impossible from your medical provider, the medical establishment, the quote unquote healthcare establishment in this country has told you that that's not possible. [00:07:12] So if any of this is ringing true for you, if this rings a bell for you, I want you to stop for just one moment. Hold the phone for just a moment. I have spoken a lot about how genes work and how they dictate our health. In podcast episodes, we have all been taught about nature versus nurture. But someone once said, and I can't even remember who said it, but I think it's brilliant. [00:07:36] And I believe this entirely, that we have genes that are human nature that require nurturing. [00:07:45] This means that you have to do things to take care of what our genes dictate. There are actions that must occur if your genes are going to work in a healthy way. [00:07:59] I believe it's a natural consequence of the human gene, the human genome, the way our genes are encoded. It is a natural consequence to develop insulin resistance and therefore diabetes. When human animals eat foods that are not natural to them, that are not like, that's not nurturing our genes appropriately. [00:08:19] If you're consuming foods that a human animal would never come into contact with in the wild, natural setting, then recognize that food simply doesn't match your biology. [00:08:32] If your family right, you may believe it. But no, seriously, Dwayne, like my family is diabetic. Everybody's diabetic. If your family is diabetic and you learn to eat the same foods that they eat and they like, it makes sense that you're going to become diabetic also because you have the same genetics that they do. But it's the genetics of all the human beings. All of the human beings are not meant to eat those foods. They just don't match our biology. [00:08:59] It's not that our genes are broken. It's not that we have a genetic defect. It's none of those things. It's that this is just the way the human body works and that is dictated by our genes. [00:09:14] So I want to do my part to dispel that belief that we are genetically prone to be diabetic. And maybe there is a genetic inclination to diabetes versus heart disease versus cholesterol issues, versus liver issues versus dementia. That may be true. But all of those things, the root cause of them is insulin resistance, and that insulin resistance is a normal biological effect for human beings eating food that are not normal to them. Them. [00:09:45] And when we can see that, we can realize we're not broken and we do have the ability to become healthy. [00:09:52] I also frequently encourage you to look for evidence that you can do this versus evidence that you can't. Many women will look at their past failures as a sign of their future results. [00:10:04] And what I want to offer to you is if you look at past failures as a sign of future possibilities, there would never be any innovation. [00:10:13] The cell phone, the television, flight, cars, indoor plumbing, electricity, the light bulb, all of the technology would not exist. If we let past failures or the lack of something existing create our belief that they could never exist. If we believe that failures dictate future results, all Success would never happen because success is built on a pile on a hill, on a mountain, sometimes of failures. [00:10:47] If every failure. What if we could possibly look at every failure as a step forward, a step towards the success? [00:10:55] People, I'm sure you've heard this, I've heard it over the years, but I think it's brilliant to realize that this is what we're talking about. Thomas Edison reportedly said that he figured out a thousand different ways not to make the light bulb before he figured out how to make the light bulb. [00:11:13] What if every failure is helping you narrow your focus on what will work? [00:11:19] Okay. And if you're having. If your belief maybe is built from what the doctors have told you, right? Like, but the doctors say I can't. The doctors say this is genetic. The doctors say that this is just, you know, the way it is. It's a progressive disease. This is just going to happen. First off, I want you to look at these quote unquote experts, right? Like, we look to the healthcare industry as experts of health. And it's so frustrating because the healthcare industry does not create health. They are experts at disease management. It is truly a disease care system. It is not a healthcare system. [00:11:54] So if you're looking at those experts, I want you to see and ask yourselves, are they healthy? When my doctor, who's on multiple meds and isn't engaging in healthy behaviors, if that doctor is trying to tell me how to be healthy, they don't have it figured out. [00:12:16] So when I ask you to look for evidence, you're going to have to start to look at people who are actually doing this. And if it's not your doctor, that's fine. Look for people who are healthy elsewhere in your life. As far as you can see, your physicians and the healthcare industry are going to push meds because medical, legally we are bound to find your symptoms, match them with a disease state, and then match that disease state with a medication. That is the way the system is set up. [00:12:47] They are not taught. We as physicians, we as the medical industry are not taught to consider the root cause of your disease and then teach you how to address that root cause. That's what I do. That's why I have a coaching business, is because the system that I was trained to work within does not do that. [00:13:06] The root cause of your disease is not you're deficient on a pill or a drug. [00:13:12] That's not what's missing in your body. The root cause of insulin resistance and diabetes is the way that we live our life. [00:13:19] Doctors cannot address this the healthcare industry does not address this. They're going to give you a drug, they're going to tell you you need that drug to be healthy and that you need to take it for the rest of your life. And they're going to, they're going to portray that to you as health. [00:13:33] If you and your soul of souls don't believe this, if you can see like actually that's not health, my perception of health, and this does not match. [00:13:43] Great. Your next step then is to define what health is for you. [00:13:49] Please get clear on this. This is part of creating the belief. This is part of getting really specific about what you believe about you and you being healthy. What is hell? [00:14:02] Many women come to me and they have a list of biomarkers that they believe are healthy. They believe in a 1C needs to be less than 5 point something. I would say 5.4. Your doctor will get off your back at 5.7. Your doctor may never get on your back. That's below 6.4. Right. So the A1C, they have a biomarker, a lab value. I want my A1C less than a number. I want my fasting blood sugar sugar less than a number. I want my fasting serum insulin level less than 7, even though the lab will say less than 14 is normal. I want my liver enzymes normal. I want my cholesterol panel normal. I want my waist circumference less than 35. I want my blood pressure in a certain range. I want my weight in a certain range. When I ask many women, as they're starting to work with me, what is healthy, that is what they give me. They give me a list of biomarkers that they believe are healthy and they're wanting to get to that. What I want to offer to you is that these are all results, these are all results that come from actions and activities that you do on a daily basis that are actually healthy. They are surrogate markers. These biomarkers are surrogate markers. [00:15:17] Telling me about the actions that you're taking, telling you about the actions that you are taking. [00:15:23] So I need you to decide what actions are healthy for you? [00:15:27] What food do you consume? That's an action. The consumption of food is an action that you take. What does that look like when you're healthy? [00:15:37] What about your physical activity? What does that look like from a healthy perspective? If you're healthy, what are you doing? How is your mental health? How are you managing stress if you're healthy, how are you sleeping to be healthy? [00:15:52] Answer these questions for me. The food I consume truly, I have. The food that I look like, look at and that I eat must look like food that comes from the earth somewhere. I must be able to envision how that food comes into my mouth from the planet, from the earth. For me, that's what it looks like. Yes, I consume things that aren't of the earth, but I never sit there and tell myself, oh, this is the healthy thing. It's not the healthy thing. Anytime I have an ice cream, a candy bread, whatever it is, I'm never going, this is healthy. It is not healthy. My body tolerates a certain amount of that, fine. All human bodies tolerate a certain amount of that fine. But when we're thinking about what is health, you're going to have to get real clear on the food that you're eating, what is health food, and then be clear that anything outside of that is just not healthy. Doesn't mean you can't have, just means that we're not telling ourself it's okay, it's healthy, because it's not. You also have to get real clear about what activity looks like for you when you're healthy. For me, and this may have some variability, but for me, activity that's healthy is exercise every day. And because I know that my work is not the most strenuous work out there, I require at least an hour of exercise a day. My hobbies, the activities that I do for fun, quote unquote, are also typically physical activities. And it's because for me, in my brain, physical activity looks that way for a healthy human being. What I understand about the science, physical activity looks that way for healthy human beings. [00:17:43] When I think about my mental health, what am I deciding is worth my stress? [00:17:48] What am I deciding is worth? Anxiety. What am I deciding is worth? Anger. What am I deciding is worth? Worry. That is what protects and is my mental health. And for me as a healthy human being, what of the things that are out there in the world that I could possibly stress over are really worth it? Because that stress is not healthy. Now if somebody's trying to kill me, it is worth it for me to exchange a little stress. That's probably not great for me, but a little bit in the. In order to save my life in that moment. [00:18:21] But is it worth, you know, I've talked about this in the podcast, my road ragey activities, right? Like, is it worth exchanging stress because somebody's driving in the left hand lane, even though that I still think that that's not where they belong? Do I need to be stressed about that, Do I need to have worry, bother, any of it? Do I need to have negative energy in my body because of that? Is that an exchange I'm willing to make? And no, it's not. It's really not. And that's something I've had to work on. So what does mental health look like for you as a healthy human being? And where do you have agency to shift that? [00:18:56] How does your sleep look? That's another big one. If I'm being healthy, if I'm a healthy human being, for me, that means I gotta be in bed by like 8pm most nights because I get up at 4am most mornings and I get up 4am most mornings so I can do the physical activity that I think is important. [00:19:13] You have to decide what does this health look like for you? And you have to get really clear on it. And you have to be willing to make some changes and some shifts. And we're going to talk about that because that's where grace comes in. [00:19:27] I want to also point out that this shows this kind of reveals a really obvious issue with health in our country. In the Western society that no one really talks about, we all want to know what's healthy, and we find it very hard to find other humans that meet our definitions of health. [00:19:46] And so being really aware of that, what do you know about the science? What will health look like for you? And then understanding that we will get a lot of advice from people that are not meeting our expectations of health, and then being very aware of that and how we, you know, how we bring that advice into our life, there may be parts of it that are totally relevant, and then there may be other parts of it that are like. That just doesn't match what I know about it. And that's okay. You can be different, you can think differently, but do understand. You know, the studies tell us that 9 out of 10Americans are insulin resistant. If you look at their biomarkers, like their biomarkers say insulin resistance is likely present. It's not 100%, because, remember, it goes back to the things that we're doing, the actions we're taking. However, if we look at that, that's a high percentage of people in this country that are not doing the activities of daily living that should be creating health in their life. So it's going to be hard for us to find a good example. We have to learn to believe what we know, believe what we have seen, and believe that it's possible for us. [00:20:59] I see that that biology just does not match What I'm doing right like that those foods, those actions just don't match the biology that I have as a human being to create the health that I want. [00:21:13] And I'm not seeing other people do it. So I'm going to have to start doing it my way and see what I get to. [00:21:20] All of this really does hinge on a belief you have in yourself. Do you believe that you can change your ways? Do you believe that it's possible for you to learn new things? Do you know even what you believe health is? Are you relying on somebody else's input that doesn't maybe match yours, your understanding of health? Have you even thought about these questions? I would really encourage you to answer these questions and decide for yourself what your health is and then start making actions based on those answers. And then the second thing that I see women are missing when they are trying to get healthy is going to come into play. [00:22:01] You need to have grace with yourself. You do not know what is coming for you. As far as I'm going to try to get up at 4am Delane says you got to get up at 4am every day to exercise. And I'm going to try to do that because that's what health is. Hold the phone, friend. If you've got a new baby at home, you're not going to be able to get enough sleep to do that. So you need to maybe make some adjustments. And this is where grace comes in. Like, I tried it and I fail. Like I tried getting up at 4am But I just couldn't do it. That was my plan. Now I've messed it up and I'm never going to get it right. And it's going to be just like all those other times we before. Hold the phone. Have some grace with yourself as you're learning to do this. [00:22:44] Women come to me and they don't understand this concept of having grace with themselves. And instead they make a plan because they thought that that was the right thing to do. And they find that it's hard to carry out for whatever reason. And then they feel guilt and shame about their ability to carry it out. [00:23:03] They see their results. Even, even this happens when we're like, start just like trying to get healthy. Like, oh my gosh, I finally got my diabetes diagnosis. I knew it was on the way because I eat in this certain way and I knew that this probably wasn't healthy. And my mom and dad both have diabetes. Like, we see it coming and our brain offers us a horrible question. How did I get here? How did I let this happen? I should have known better. This brings on that guilt and shame. And human beings in the midst of guilt and shame will try to hide. And hiding never gets us an answer. [00:23:34] And so it's very hard to make those long term changes if we're not offering ourselves a little grace in this situation. [00:23:43] Like guilt and shame isn't going to get us there. I didn't know or I wasn't doing it for whatever reason and it seemed to make sense in the moment. And I'm going to go forward from here and do it differently. [00:23:54] Lots of times when we'll do this right? Like that gets them started and then they don't see changes immediately and then they feel frustrated, right? Why isn't this happening faster? [00:24:03] Many women have, have felt this. You probably have had this. You feel constricted, you maybe even feel suffocated frequently. This lack of self grace, these feelings of guilt, shame, frustration, suffocation, constriction will lead to futility. Like it just feels like this is all futile. Why even try? I should go to my doctor and get the med. [00:24:24] When we feel gra. Guilt and shame, we hide and then we can't figure it out because we're hiding from it and then we give up. So, my friend, if any of this resonates true with you, I want you to take a deep breath, real deep breath into your belly. [00:24:41] With my clients when we work together, I frequently will talk about having grace and space. And when I talk about grace and space, I literally put my elbows out. Like if you were playing volleyball or basketball, probably basketball. More if you ever played basketball. I don't know. I played basketball a few games, not a lot, but I always felt like everybody was like impinging on my space and so my elbows would go out to try to get me myself some space. This is what I want you to think of. This is what we talk about in the in when I work with my clients. Give yourself some grace and space. [00:25:14] That deep breath literally creates some space for you. In this moment, my friend, you are not broken and you are fine. [00:25:21] In this moment. You have air in your lungs and another moment on this earth and that's all that you need to make a change. [00:25:29] So I want you to take a deep breath and I want you to realize the benefit of giving yourself some grace and space as you're learning new things. You're going to make mistakes, you're going to make a plan and you're not going to know where the plan is faulty until you do it. And you find that it's faulty. [00:25:51] That is part of the process of learning. [00:25:54] You need. You will make mistakes, and you need to learn from them in order to become the healthy person that you know is possible. [00:26:03] Most women who have been working at getting healthy, right, like we live in a society where we're told thin. We're told thin is healthy. And then we're told, drink Pepsi, drink, you know, Dr. Pepper, have Twinkies, go out to eat with your friends, do all these other things. We do, like, we're taught all of these things, things that will not lead to thinness. And thinness is healthy. And we're all trying to constantly, for decades, scrounge, scrape, beg, borrow and steal to get to that. [00:26:33] So most women who have been working at this, most of us in this Western society have been working at this for years. We've been using diet plans, shakes, food plans, talking to our doctors to get some guidance. And we create beliefs from our past that make us believe that we just can't do it, that it's not possible. [00:26:54] So instead of doubt, disbelief, guilt, shame, and despair, what we need is a little bit of grace and space to learn how to do this differently. In fact, I would offer that grace is the one thing that is going to help you learn from your mistakes and learn to act differently and learn to believe differently about yourself. And I've seen this in my own life, not only with my food, although I didn't see it as directly with my food. Where I've really seen this is in my interpersonal relationships. So I've recently been dating someone, and I think he's pretty wonderful. But my past, I have come from a long line of failed relationships, and I feel like I have struggled in these interpersonal relationships over my entire life. I'm 50. Over my entire life, this has been a struggle for me. And I carry a lot of doubt and a lot of guilt and shame. [00:27:51] And when things are hard, it's easy. Like, as I'm learning to be in a new relationship with a new human being, it's very easily easy for me to become frustrated with myself. It's easy for me to look at my past, and it breaks down my belief that I'm ever going to figure this out, that I'm ever going to learn how to be in a relationship that's lasting and successful, which is what I want for my life. So I had this lovely boyfriend who is so kind and gracious, and when we talk through this, he gives me the most beautiful reminder ever that we are both Going through this life for the first time. And that means that we're all learning how to get through life day to day. We're taking information from past experiences and applying it to our current experience to create the success that we want for the future life that we're creating. [00:28:39] This is the first time any of us are living this part of our life. [00:28:44] Even if we have multiple past failures, this is the first time that you're able to bring that information from those failures, from those lessons and apply it to your current approach. [00:28:55] So for me, even with multiple past failed relationships, this is the first time I'm able to take the lessons I've learned from those and apply it to my current relationship and see what happens. [00:29:05] Grace and space is required here. [00:29:09] It's required to give yourself some grace and space as you're learning how it's going to work this next time. In this new time. We're all learning to do this life for the first time. [00:29:22] How are we ever. How can any of us possibly get everything right on our first try? [00:29:29] So today is the first day, maybe, that you're attempting to avoid foods that don't match your biology. But you're bringing with you the information that you've gained, that you've gleaned from all the previous days that you've had, that you've attempted it. And you're doing this for the first time. [00:29:45] If you're not sure what grace means, I get it. I didn't know what that meant for a very long time either. And that's something I've had to work on over the years. And I've had a therapist who once told me what grace was, and she explained it in the most beautiful way. [00:30:02] And I've shared this on the podcast, so it won't be the first time some people have heard about this. But offer yourself the same grace you'd give a stranger if you were at the grocery store and you ran into a stranger. [00:30:14] Offer yourself the same grace you would give them. Think of all the shit that you have been through in your life. You've been there together. You and you have been there getting through this. The past version of you and the current version of you and the future version of you have gotten through all this junk through life, the ups and the downs together. [00:30:34] Think of the thick and the thin. And here you are, still attempting it, still going at it, still wanting more, still wanting something better. [00:30:44] If you have that kind of fortitude, you owe yourself the same grace that you would give an entire a complete stranger. So think about that. That is grace. If you can give your a complete stranger the grace and the space to like, be in the grocery store with you and maybe, like, do something annoying or maybe, like, get in your way, or maybe like, take the last bottle of something and you're like, oh, that's junk. But all right, here we are. Or you can be kind enough to say, hey, go ahead of me in line. You've got, like, one thing. I've got a grocery cart full of things. If you can be that gracious with some stranger, be that gracious with yourself, Give yourself that same grace. [00:31:29] And if you can give yourself that grace and space to do today for the first time, maybe you can find a way to take a step closer, a step forward, a step in the direction of your health from here, from the grace of doing today for the first time, from getting healthy from this space in your life for the first time, I want you to ask yourself some really probing questions. One, what is working for your health right now? [00:31:58] Two, how are your health changes feeling in your body? I don't want, you know, if you say that feels like blah, blah, blah, and you go into a sentence. That's not what I'm talking about. That's a thought. I want you to decide how it feels in your body. When I wake up in the morning and I go for a workout, my body feels. It probably feels tired. It may feel a little excited or like there's anticipation. It may feel sore from the day before. Like all of these are feeling words. How does your body feel? Some days you're going to have good feelings, some days you're going to have bad feelings. How are these health changes feeling? When you eat healthy food, how does it feel in your body? How are these health changes feeling in your body? I want you to ask yourself what you like about the way this feels right now, in this moment. What do you like about it? Ask yourself what you don't like. [00:32:54] Maybe you don't like being tired in the morning. [00:32:58] That makes sense. [00:33:00] Ask yourself, what's wrong with that? [00:33:03] That's another great question. What's wrong with this? If you're eating a salad and you're like, how do I feel about this? How does it feels like desire for a Twinkie? [00:33:13] What are you not liking about that? I don't like to desire a Twinkie. I want to have the Twinkie. What's wrong with that? Of course you want to have a Twinkie. There's nothing wrong with wanting to have a Twinkie. Of course, when you wake up at four in the morning, you're tired. What's wrong with that? All the humans are tired when they first wake up. [00:33:31] And then from that space you can decide, like, oh, I like the way my body feels when I eat this food. There's going to be some desire and there's nothing wrong with that. Why is this not enough? [00:33:44] Ask yourself these questions. Use them to dig deeper into your health journey. Set yourself up for your next step in your health journey by using these questions. This is going to help you decide what's working and what's not working and where you need to maybe make some changes from using that grace and space. Where is there an opportunity for you to make a change? These questions are going to set you up for that. Okay, this journey is a walk. It will require belief that you are going somewhere. And then it's going to require you to have some grace as you take some turns and navigate your way that maybe you're not doing it perfectly with every single step. Every new step shows you something you haven't seen before. [00:34:27] You are doing this for the first time, finding why you want to keep moving, reminding yourself what you like about the journey, being present with your feelings as you're on that path and challenging the thoughts that make you want to stop. These are the ways that we keep moving forward towards our health. So I want to encourage you to do that. [00:34:48] This is the work that really changes you. This is the work that really allows you to become. [00:34:52] Can you give yourself the grace and space for you to become? [00:34:57] This, my friend, is what is required to fix your diabetes and your health permanently. It's not going to be a diet plan, a food plan, an exercise plan, macro counts, astronaut food. It's not. It's going to be the grace in space and the belief that you can become something more. And I want to encourage you to do that. I will be back next week. As always, if you have any questions for me, I know I gave some biomarker data and that's if you have any questions about that or if you have any questions about anything else. If you have any questions about coaching together, don't hesitate to reach out to me. You can always reach [email protected] until next week. I want you to keep listening. I want you to keep making choices for your health, your vitality and your longevity. I'll talk to you soon. Bye.

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