Episode #158--Stress and Type 2 Diabetes

August 08, 2022 00:25:26
Episode #158--Stress and Type 2 Diabetes
Better Blood Sugars with DelaneMD | Diabetes, Prediabetes, Gestational Diabetes, Metabolic Diseases, Insulin Resistance, without Medications
Episode #158--Stress and Type 2 Diabetes

Aug 08 2022 | 00:25:26


Show Notes

Most women with type 2 diabetes only hear about the impact food has on their blood sugars. But in order to reverse your type 2 diabetes, normalize your blood sugars, and optimize your health, you have to focus on ALL factors that impact your blood sugars. Stress is a main player! This episode explains how stress impacts your blood sugars and how to fix it! Enjoy!

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