Ep. #116 Tools Not Rules for Reversing Diabetes

October 17, 2021 00:16:42
Ep. #116 Tools Not Rules for Reversing Diabetes
Better Blood Sugars with DelaneMD | Diabetes, Prediabetes, Gestational Diabetes, Metabolic Diseases, Insulin Resistance, without Medications
Ep. #116 Tools Not Rules for Reversing Diabetes

Oct 17 2021 | 00:16:42


Show Notes

I teach tools to my clients. Lots of them. Intermittent fasting, nutritional ketosis, and cleaning up your diet. But the most important tools I teach, the tools that are most effective in helping my clients reverse their type 2 diabetes are the tools of awareness. There are many individual tools that I teach to help my clients gain awareness. Learning awareness is how every other tool I teach becomes effective in creating permanent changes in your life. Unfortunately many times we learn strategies and treat them as RULES we must follow, not TOOLS to gain awareness. In this episode of Reversing Diabetes with DelaneMD, I talk about why they are tools not rules, how making rules keeps us stuck, and how to use tools to create the health we are wanting in our lives!

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