276: Four Pillars to Fixing Your Diabetes Naturally!

November 11, 2024 00:20:26
276: Four Pillars to Fixing Your Diabetes Naturally!
Better Blood Sugars with DelaneMD | Diabetes, Prediabetes, Gestational Diabetes, Metabolic Diseases, Insulin Resistance, without Medications
276: Four Pillars to Fixing Your Diabetes Naturally!

Nov 11 2024 | 00:20:26


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[00:00:00] You are listening to episode number 276 of Better Blood Sugars with Delaine, Maryland. Welcome to Better Blood Sugars with Delaine, MD where you can learn strategies to lower your blood sugars and improve your overall health. I'm your host, Dr. Delaine Vaughn. Ladies, if you know you're capable of doing badass things at work and for your family, but you're confused and frustrated with why you can't seem to stop eating the chocolate cake, this podcast is for you. Let's talk. Hey, there. Welcome to the podcast. I am so glad you're here today. I'm glad you're taking time for you. I am glad that you are trusting me with that time. So today I want to talk about why it's important, like, why you want to commit to this, to commit to figuring out how to have better blood sugars, commit to figuring out what it means to live healthy and live your life free of diabetes. Most women that I work with, they find that they're very successful in many other areas of their life. They have figured out how to be successful in their profession. They have figured out how to be a good family member, whether that be a daughter to their aging parents, a sibling to their, you know, brothers and sisters, a spouse to their partner or a parent. They, like, have figured out how to be successful in their professional life and their personal life. They do things like, these are not women who make excuses about why things are hard. They're women who really, like, know that they can get things done, and they're struggling to figure out how to get this done. And the reason that they're struggling for how to get this done is because they've gotten a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes. But they have been told by their doctors, you need to lose weight, you need to exercise more, you need to cut out sweets. And that's really all they're told. [00:01:51] And when they do these things and they go to their doctor and they either have a worsened A1C like their A1C continues to climb, or they aren't getting better, then of course, their doctor is offering them medications. And of course, the medications for type 2 diabetes, most of them will actually worsen. The root cause of type 2 diabetes, which is insulin resistance. And so women find themselves very frustrated. And then, of course, we're freaking flooded with guilt and shame because I do all of these other things amazingly, but I really can't figure this one thing out, right? And these are like, again, these are lawyers. These are engineers. These are women who, they're doctors for the love of all that's holy, these are women who know science, they know hard things. They're smart, they're hard workers, they're sharp, they're clever. [00:02:43] They have, like, managed to do all of these other things, but they're like, why can't I figure this part out? And of course, again, the reason that you can't figure it out is because most of the time, the information that you have is directed at the wrong thing. I always talk with women, and you've heard me talk about this on the podcast. Like, if you are not addressing insulin resistance, you are not going to fix your blood sugars long term. You're not going to normalize your biology. Insulin resistance is the root cause of type 2 diabetes. And learning how to eat different, learning how to move your body differently, learning how to manage your stress and your sleep in a way that aligns with your human biology. That's the way we fix this long term. Yes, you can cut your sugars back. Yes, you can have all the sugar free diet soda, diet drink, diet candy, diet bread, diet this, diet that. You can have all of those things in your life and your blood sugars will likely improve. You will see lower blood sugars by eating all of those diet foods. What you will not see is improvement in your insulin resistance. So your fasting insulin level will not normalize. [00:03:51] And whenever you stop eating the diet stuff and you go out for your birthday and you don't have sugar free cake, you have real birthday cake, your blood sugars will skyrocket again and they will be off the charts for a couple of weeks, possibly afterwards. And you will make it mean that you have screwed up and there's something wrong with you and there's not. And so I really want you to hear, like, the issue of the diagnosis of type 2 diabetes is because you have been eating in a way that does not align with your biology. Learning how to eat in a way that does align with your biology, how to move your body in a way that aligns with your biology, how to sleep and how to manage stress in a way that aligns with your biology. These are the fundamental tools for living naturally healthy, for faith, fixing your type 2 diabetes, for seeing better blood sugars permanently, not just for a moment, because you're eating less sugar in your life. [00:04:47] So I work with women and I give them, I help them with a plan for how to do this. How do we implement these four strategies in a way that gets them the results that they want? That's what I do. [00:05:01] So women know that there is a risk with having type 2 diabetes. They have heard that there is a risk for cardiovascular and cerebral vascular, so stress, strokes, and heart attacks. They know there's a risk for that. They know there's a risk for blindness. They know there's a risk for amputations and neuropathy. They know in general that there is a risk associated with having this diagnosis. And that's why it's important to them. That's why they want to fix it. And they struggle with this. They struggle with making the changes. They want desperately to change this part of their life. They want desperately to walk away from the struggle. They want desperately to leave type 2 diabetes in their past and move forward healthy. And they understand, like, I did the same thing. I was at a fork in the road. I saw my weight climbing and my A1C climbing, and I'd already been diagnosed with gestationally gestational diabetes, and I knew that I was at risk. But there's a high risk for women who have been diagnosed with gestational diabetes. You are a high risk for developing type 2 diabetes later in life. And I knew that. I knew the studies. [00:06:02] And so when you see this and you're wanting to change this, you're wanting to leave that behind you, Women want to lean on their doctors. They want to go to their medical providers to get that information, and they're not getting the right information. And then they're, you know, laden with guilt and shame about this, leaving that part behind them so they can go forward and live free of that guilt, free of that shame, free of that worry, free of that diagnosis, free of those doctor's appointments, free of those medications. [00:06:32] That's what I help women with. So I want you to know that there is help for this. Okay? If you have not already done this, you can go to my website and download the 14 days to better blood sugars guide. Okay? That's www.delainemd.com better. [00:06:50] So I want to talk about this guide for a little bit. Okay? This is 14 days of a menu, and they're complete with breakfast, lunch, and dinner menus. And daily you will get an email, and there are videos associated with the emails that guide you through the two weeks until you see better blood sugars. [00:07:09] This is a guaranteed. You will see better blood sugars. And there's no investment other than you going giving an email address and downloading this guide. That is the only investment you make. Okay? I will send you emails after that if you don't want them. You unsubscribe from them. It's very, very simple. Do not, do not miss this opportunity, right? This is free, straightforward, you will see better blood sugars. And what this, the power of this is that if you're like, no, no, no, no, I don't know that it's the food that I'm eating. I don't really eat that bad. I eat pretty healthy. I think it's my genetics. My grandmother had it, my grandfather had it, my parents have it, my siblings have it. It's in my genes. If you've ever heard me say this, if you haven't, I'm going to say it again. [00:07:55] You do not get diabetes from your family. You get your love for junk food that makes you diabetic from your family. That's how that's passed down. Diabetes is a normal biological response to eating foods that do not align with your human biology. That's what it comes down to. And so if your family, I always say, I got my love of apple pie and pizza from my mom and dad, and if they have diabetes from even eating apple pie and pizza, you can damn sure bet I'm gonna have diabetes from eating apple pie and pizza. Because that food does not align with my biology or their biology. It's not a genetic predisposition. It's the learning of our eating habits from our parents. [00:08:36] So understanding that and that this 14 day guide is gonna give you clearly what you need to eat to see a change. [00:08:45] And this is going to provide you evidence of the power of the food that you're eating. When you follow this guide and you see your blood Sugars drop from 175 in the morning to 115 in the morning, you're going to be like, I think that is the food that I'm eating. Check that out. You're going to have evidence for that. And what a gift that is, ladies. You can't change your genes. Like, you can't change at it. This is genetically mediated. You have no agency to make a change. But if it's the food you're eating, you can fix that. What a gift is that? And this guide, this 14 day guide, gives that to you free of charge. There it is again. Delanemd forward slash better. Delanemd.com forward slash better. Go and download that. You can find it on my website. If you just go to delanemd.com you can find it there. But these are menus exactly what to eat. There's no decision on your part. There's no looking up macronutrients. It's all in there, the counts are all there. There's no questions. 14 days where you can just follow a plan that will show you better blood sugars without any worries, without any questions. [00:09:55] You can also find on my website women who have done this and what they are saying, what results they are getting. You can find that on delaney.com if you're not sure what it takes to lower your blood sugars. Like, go to this 14 day guide and it will be the help that you need for that. [00:10:12] If you have an allergy or if you look at this menu and you're like, I can't eat that, I can't eat whatever. If you have like a lactose intolerant, there's a lot of dairy on there. Cool. Send me an email. Delane mg.com I'm happy to walk you through on other options. Okay. We can find a solution to that together. If you don't eat meat, if you're a vegetarian, awesome. Here's the deal. If you leave your brain to I can't eat meat, I don't eat meat, I can't eat dairy. If you leave your brain to its own devices, your brain is going to tell you, well, I can't eat dairy and I can't. Or I can't eat meat or I'm allergic to tomatoes, whatever it might be. Your brain is going to be like, well, I can't do it. And suddenly you're eating Twinkies, which is the most ridiculous thing ever. When we're like, oh, I'm allergic to something that's healthy. But somehow Twinkies are the right answer. And this is what our brain does. And it's not because you're broken. Not even because I'm broken. Right. It's easy to blame it on ourselves and to put it on our shoulders. It's not because we're broken. It's because we're human and our human brain is going to always be drawn to those foods. There's nowhere in nature the human brain comes into contact with. Macronutrient counts with the amount of carbohydrate sugar, the amount of fat and the amount of protein, which is minimal. And it's winky, but there's nowhere it comes into contact with that macronutrient mix. In nature, there's not a Twinkie tree, right? There are strawberry trees and there are banana trees. But when the human being eats all of those fruits off that tree, there's a natural governor. We can't get any more in nature because there's no more to Eat. We ate the tree bearer of the fruit and now we just have to wait for the tree to make more fruit. That's a natural governor to keep us from overeating those foods. We don't have that in our modern food environment. There is no natural governor to grapes or strawberries or bananas. We can just go to the grocery store and get more. And there's none for Twinkies either. And the way our brain responds, the neurochemistry that happens when we eat Twinkies is also not found in nature. There's no natural equivalent to that. Your brain is going to say, that is the most amazing thing I've ever come into contact with and we need to eat more. And good news, the Twinkie maker will make as many as you will eat. [00:12:28] This is why it's so hard. And this is why our brain will be like, well, I can't have dairy, so I guess I'm going to have potato chips all day long. That is the thing that happens in our brain when we leave it to its own devices. You're not broken, your brain's not broken. But if you need help figuring out how to make that 14 guide work day guide work for you, send me an email delanelainmd.com we can get some back and forth communication about some strategies that will help you out. Do not let your lactose intolerance or your vegetarian or even vegan lifestyle keep you from this. There is help available to you. Let's figure that out. Send me an email delainelaine md.com Go download the 14 day guide delaine.com forward/[email protected] forward/better Go download that guide. Once you do this 14 day guide, you will see better blood sugars. There's just no way around it. This is just biology. It's like physics, right? Like you throw a ball up, the ball's gonna come down. You follow this guide, you will see better blood sugars. And if you don't, I want you to set up a better blood sugar assessment call because it is possible you need to engage a different strategy and that's okay. I've got deep pockets as far as how to have strategies. I've got deep pockets full of tools to help you figure out how to do this. Okay? So if it's not the food, awesome. [00:13:48] Send me a message. Let's set up some time and get you a clear plan as to what you need to do. A woman just did this this week. She's like, I've been eating clean. I Managed to drop my A1C. It got to 5.6, 5.7. I really want it in the fours. What do I need to be doing? And we talked about it and I said, I think what I am telling you, I see what you're telling me and what I am able to ascertain from this, to put together from this is you need more muscle mass. And so we had that conversation and I said, this is what I would do. She did not sign with my group, she did not decide to work with me. And that's totally fine. You don't need to. These better blood sugar assessment calls are free. Get on this call with me. Figure out where maybe you are needing to have a different strategy or maybe do we need to be more consistent. All of these things are things we can talk about. [00:14:35] And then you have some clear, some laser focused clarity on what you need to do going forward. This particular woman who called me, I was like, you need more muscle on your body. I think that's where you're missing out here. So go and build some muscle. And I talked to her about why it's important to build muscle. All of that we can do on a better blood sugar assessment call. So if you have done the 14 day guide and you're not seeing the results that you want, set up a better blood sugar assessment call. If you have done the 14 day guide but you felt like you could not stick with it, like I suffered through it as far as I could, but I couldn't do it long term. [00:15:18] And so I need help figuring that out. That's something else we can talk about. And sometimes that is a element of, you know, we need to change our thought and our mindset on food. That's fine. I mean, that exists. [00:15:34] But recognize that sometimes it's. We need to figure out some longer term strategies, right? Maybe there needs to be some, what I call softballs, some easy buttons that we need to implement so that it's easier for us to stick to the program. Right? Lots of times it's that we need to figure out why we think that that food, why is it Twinkie like, okay, I can't have dairy because I'm lactose intolerant or I don't eat meat, so I can't have chicken. [00:16:05] But suddenly the Twinkie's okay, That's a thought issue. That's a thought issue we need to figure out. And that is something that we can definitely do in a better blood sugar assessment call. So set those up. There is no fee for it. It's 45 minute Zoom call. You and I hop on a call. It's very straightforward. Set that call up. [00:16:28] That call can be set up. You can go to Calendly. If you haven't ever been to calendly, it's www.c a l e n d l y dot com and then it's forward slash Delane, Maryland and you will see a link for a better blood sugar assessment call. Set that up. It will bring you to my calendar. In that calendar you can set, you know, schedule your time. And if for some reason you can't find a time, if for some reason, like there's nothing on my calendar that works for you, send me a message. Delanemd.com I will get you set up. This help is available to you and it costs nothing. What you are waiting for, I have no idea. Don't wait any longer. Just get these set up so that you can start seeing better blood sugars. You can start living that naturally healthy life. You can leave the diabetes behind you. You're putting your life on hold for some reason that doesn't like that it's not there. Like there's no reason to not do this. If there is a reason that I'm not thinking of, send me a message. I want to hear about it. But don't put the rest of your life on hold. Life's a gift. It's short. There's never enough of it. Girl, go out and grab it by the horns and get this help that you're needing. You do not have to be sick with type 2 diabetes. There is a way to fix this. [00:17:38] First things first, go and download the 14 Days to Better Blood Sugar again. Www.delanemd.com Better and then knock it out, not knock it out the park, like see the blood sugars and send me a message. I love a good success for story. Please send me that message. But if you need any help, email me delanelaine md.com I want to, I want to be able to help you. If you're having a hard time translating those 14 days to the rest of your life, set up a better blood sugar assessment call. If for some reason you're not seeing better blood Sugars after the 14 days, set up a better blood sugar assessment call. Let's figure out why there is help for this. You do not have to be sick for the rest of your life. [00:18:18] On that note, if you are medicated for your type 2 diabetes, please be careful making the dietary changes that I recommend in these podcast episodes and Also in that 14 day guide you have been medicated for the way you have eaten in the past. And if you change the way you eat, you're going to need to change those medications. In order to do that, you're going to have to have a line of communication open with your primary care or the provider that wrote you those prescriptions. You need to call them and say, hey, I'm going to make these changes. How do you want me to share my blood sugars with you? And they're going to say, I want you to share them in this way, whether it be email or faxing or calling their nurse, whatever it is, they're going to tell you how they want you to share that information with them. And then you need to ask them, how can I expect to hear medication changes from you? What changes do you want me to make and how will I hear from you about that? And they're going to tell you that also if you don't do this, you can end up quite sick. The kind of sick that looks like an ER visit, hospitalization, and even death. And that is not why you're making these changes. So I need you to do that to keep yourself safe. Call your provider, ask how to get that line of communication open, tell them what you're going to do, and then implement the changes and then watch those meds fall away. Okay, if you guys have any comments, don't hesitate to send them to me. If you're enjoying this podcast and finding benefits from it, please rate and review the podcast. The more people that rate and review this podcast, the more people get to see the podcast, the more it's put in front of people. If you are finding benefit from this, other people can find benefit from it, too. And the more people who write and review it, the more people are going to see this. Remember, nine out of ten Americans are having, you know, events they're having. They're diagnosable with insulin resistance. So they're either diabetic, pre diabetic, or on their way to it. People need to hear they do not need to be sick for the rest of their life. And the more people that eat and review this podcast, the more people that will hear it. That is all I have for you this week. I will be back next week. But until then, keep listening. Keep avoiding the foods that are making you sick. Keep making choices for your longevity, your health and your vitality. I'll talk to you later. Bye.

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